Saturday, October 15, 2011

~October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month~

~Did you know that October is PREGNANCY & INFANT LOSS AWARENESS MONTH?
~Portal to Heaven~
October 15th is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day.   

It’s a day when all of us that grieve the loss of our beloved babies can openly and publicly declare our remembrance of these tiny humans that have touched our lives forever.
~ ♥ October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month ♥ ♥ October 15th is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day ♥ ♥ 
~ ♥ I always remember, and want you to never forget ♥ ~

~RIP Noah-Alexander Golder ♥ August 6th, 1999 ♥
~RIP Bennett-Chadlen Roy ♥ March 29-April 6, 2007 ♥
Death is not the end of our love, or our memories;  nor should that be expected.

Today we stand united to embrace our grief and request that each of  you take a few moments out of your day to think of our little angel-babies and reach out to support and remember alongside us.

Project Sweet Peas will be holding a candle lighting vigil in remembrance of our angels.  At 7pm, I will be lighting candles in Loving Memory of babies everywhere, and keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

We always remember, and want you to never forget. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

~2nd Annual Nimkee-Blessings Benefit Concert~

~my son Brendan, aka "Introducing Bennett"

~Well, it's that time again.  That time of year to put this plan into action and make this another successful event to help out the families with babies in the NICU at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Here's a link to the details of last year's event:  Annual Nimkee-Blessings Benefit Concert .

We have found a venue location and are very grateful to the Chief and Council of Sheguiandah for allowing us to host our event on Saturday, August 20th, at the Ball Field/Pow Wow Grounds on Hwy 6. on Manitoulin Island .  This location will provide ample space with parking, washroom facilities, and a children's play area as this will be a family event.  The water is nearby, but I ask that all children be supervised while near the beach area especially!

If you know anyone that may be able to assist in the planning, or have any advice, please let us know by leaving a comment with your suggestions here on this post, or email Melissa at

We will also require a confirmation of musicians that are interested in donating their time to this very worthy cause.  I've had a friend do most of the legwork here---Dave Southwood---(thanks Dave!)---and he's worked very hard to secure the venue location, find bands, and many other details in between!  I couldn't have done this without his gracious assistance.  Dave has informed me that we've had 3 bands cancel so we're scouting bands to provide some entertainment for this very worthy cause.  This year I am hoping to be able to make enough money to help cover some travel expenses to the bands that are able to attend.  Last year's bands were amazing and generous, and their support will be eternally cherished and appreciated.

We are very grateful for all of the volunteers that helped to make last year's first concert a success.  It was a real learning experience and we hope to become bigger and better in years to come.  If you'd like to donate your time or have some fund-raising ideas to offer please don't hesitate to contact us.  All suggestions or offers of assistance will be graciously considered.

I have set up a group specifically for volunteers, so feel free to join is here if you are on facebook:   

More information and the story behind the creation of Nimkee-Blessings can be found at this link:

*Nimkee-Blessings is an International Affiliate of Project Sweet Peas, a registered charity based out of the United States of America.

Monday, March 14, 2011


~Today, myself and many other families around the world took part in remembering and honouring our Trisomy 13 angel-babies and miraculous survivors.  The 13th day of the 3rd month signifies the addition of the 3rd COPY of Chromosome 13 which contraindicates Trisomy 13.

This is a beautiful commemoration of other Trisomy 13 families that celebrate and cherish the blessings that we share. Thank you to Micayla, Angel Faith's Mommy, for putting this together and sharing it with others.

Love, Peace, & Nimkee-Blessings to all on this special day and ways xxoo

I love you Bennett-Chadlen xxoo

Saturday, March 12, 2011


~This month, please keep babies like my sweet angel Bennett-Chadlen, in your thoughts and prayers as we remember and celebrate their life journeys during this month of March.  For more information about Nimkee, &  Trisomy 13, also known as Patau Syndrome, please click here:

Love, Peace, & Nimkee-Blessings to you all, Mxxoo

Monday, January 24, 2011

~Waiting For Nimkee~

During my 5th month of pregnancy with Bennett-Chadlen I received the heartbreaking prenatal diagnosis of Trisomy 13. As I struggled with the implications of what this could mean, I did my best to prepare for an unknown future with my darling, unborn son.

These photos depict our prenatal journey from beginning to end. I share with you such a rare glimpse into the world of the unknown that I, and too many others, have chosen to experience.

How do you prepare to say Goodbye before you've even had a chance to say Hello?

**photos courtesy of Heather Renee Morgan of Lifespark Photography.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

~Plans in the Making~

~Well, it's that time again.

That time of year to begin thinking about and planning our 2nd Annual Nimkee-Blessings Benefit Concert .

We are requesting some feedback concerning venue ideas, so if you know of a location on Manitoulin Island that may be feasible, please let us know by leaving a comment with your suggestions here on this post, or email Melissa at

The location will require ample space with parking, washroom facilities, and preferably a children's play area as this will be a family event.

We will also require a confirmation of musicians that are interested in donating their time to this very worthy cause.

We are very grateful for all of the volunteers that helped to make last year's first concert a success.  It was a real learning experience and we hope to become bigger and better in years to come.  If you'd like to donate your time or have some fund-raising ideas to offer please don't hesitate to contact us.  All suggestions or offers of assistance will be graciously considered.

More information and the story behind the creation of Nimkee-Blessings can be found at this link:

*Nimkee-Blessings is an International Affiliate of Project Sweet Peas, a registered charity based out of the United States of America.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

~What makes a Mother?~

What makes a Mother?
I thought of you and closed my eyes, and prayed to God today.
I asked, “What makes a Mother?” and I know I heard him say:

“A Mother has a baby, this we know is true.”

“But God, can you be a Mother when your baby’s not with you?”

“Yes you can”, He replied with a confidence in His voice,
“I give many women babies, when they leave is not their choice.

Some I send for a lifetime, and others for a day,
And some I send to feel your womb, but there’s no need to stay.”

“I just don’t understand this God, I want my baby here.”

 He took a breath and cleared His throat, and then I saw a tear.

“I wish I could show you what your child is doing today.  If you could see your child smile with other children and say:”

“We go to Earth and learn our lessons of love and life and fear.   
My Mommy loved me oh so much I got to come straight here.   
I feel so lucky to have a Mom who had so much love for me, 
I learned my lesson very quickly;   
My Mommy set me free.   
I miss my Mommy oh so much, but I visit her each day.
When she goes to sleep, on her pillow’s where I lay.   
I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear,
‘Mommy don’t be sad today, I’m you’re baby and I’m here.’”

“So you see my dear sweet one, your children are OK.   
Your babies are here in My home and this is where they’ll stay.
They’ll wait for you with me until your lesson is through,
And on the day that you come home they’ll be at the gates for you.

So now you see what makes a Mother, it’s the feeling in your heart.
It’s the love you had so much of right from the very start.”

~Jennifer Wasik

~Thinking of all my special Mommy friends that are spending their holidays missing their loved ones.  

I send prayers of peace, love, & healing to those that are spending their Christmas in the NICU (neo-natal intensive care unit) with their new babies, in need of some extra tender-loving care.  

May our Creator watch over you, and shower you with an endless abundance of Nimkee-Blessings.  
Peace be with you,
Melissa xxoo

Saturday, December 18, 2010

~Reflections of Cystic Fibrosis~

I Believe In Tiny Miracles here for more info)

I remember a visit to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, Ontario back in 2004.  Tristan (5--diagnosed with Spherocytosis which is a blood disease) was there to have his spleen and gallbladder removal surgery and we had to spend 11 days on the surgical floor as he healed.

I took advantage of having someone to sit with Tristan and I took a brief jaunt to grab a coffee and a snack.  In the nurses/admission area I saw a woman holding a very sick looking little baby.  He was several months old, and had tubes attached to him.  The mother had a very sad glint in her eyes, but smiled at me and said "Hi" as I approached.

My mommy senses kicked in and I just had to take a peak at her baby boy and let her know how cute I thought he was.  I then asked her what was wrong.  She told me he was born with Cystic Fibrosis and his life expectancy was nearing its end.  My heart took a leap and I felt my eyes instantly fill with tears.  I instinctively reached out and placed my hand on her arm and looked at her and told her how sorry I was to hear that as I had also lost a baby to stillbirth and it was a pain that I could relate to.

How does a parent maintain composure as they know their child's life is ending?  At that moment in time I couldn't even conceive of experiencing and surviving such a thing.

She thanked me for listening as she shared her son's all too brief life story and explained that all they could do at that point was provide him with comfort measures and hope for the best.  The only thing which may prolong his life was if another family lost their baby and donated the necessary tiny lungs to another family in need.

I walked away with tears and just felt such an incredibly overwhelming sense of sorrow and heartache for this woman.  Thoughts of her and her baby stayed with me over those next several days, weeks, months, and even years.  Every time I hear the words 'Cystic Fibrosis', this woman and her beautiful son instantly appear in my mind.

Despite the sadness which she was experiencing, she was still able to smile and truly appreciate that I had stopped and allowed her to speak with me.  She said most people just keep on walking and go about their day.  She just needed someone to listen, show compassion and empathy, and provide that little bit of comfort in that moment.

This link gives hope for the future for many families that are struggling to survive with Cystic Fibrosis.  Click here for more personal stories of hopes, dreams, and determination.

As we are in the midst of our holiday season, please remember all those that are spending their holidays in hospitals around the world, watching their loved ones slip away. 

What can you do?  Consider the generous, self-less gift of organ donation to help another family in need.

Life----it's in you to give.

Monday, November 15, 2010

~Hats of Hope ~ Project 150~

~The following statement is an exert from the above blog:
"Approximately 150 Kentucky kids are diagnosed with cancer each year. Kentucky children have a greater proportion of new solid malignancy cancer cases than anywhere else in the United States."
~ UK Pediatric Research Institute
 What is "Project 150" you may ask?  Project 150 was inspired by a compassionate little girl named Jesse, who was named after her mother's childhood friend who sadly passed away from cancer.  Jesse's mother discusses how she read the above quote to her 5 year old daughter, and Jesse's response was that she wanted to be able to knit and provide hats to kids with cancer by Thanksgiving because
"that's when it will be getting too cold to not have one if you are bald." ~ Jesse, 5yrs old.
This website explains that in the year of 2010, the average cost of cancer care for one child patient is approximately $36, 800, so Jesse would also like to try and raise enough money to help these families that so greatly require this financial assistance.

"Two Moms is now selling Children's Cancer Awareness Ribbons on our etsy store to help reach our $36,800 goal! Come check them out now! 100% of sale price will go right to Project 150!" ~ Aura, mom of Jesse

For more information, please click on the links provided.  Feel free to share this information with others to help raise Awareness, and help these families.

Love, Peace, & Nimkee-Blessings,
Melissa xxoo
"In addition, to reach our 150 Hat goal, we are offering free hat making parties to anyone who might be interested in learning how to make the hats, with the only caveat being that everyone in the party donate the first hat they make to the project. We are also accepting knit and crocheted hats from anyone who is willing to send them to us!  
(all hat donations can be sent to: Project 150 C/O Jesse Paige, 191 Baybrook Circle, Nicholasville, KY. 40356.)

Sunday, October 17, 2010


~October 15th is a monumental day for families like mine, for it's the ONE day all year that we are recognized and given permission to mourn openly and remember our beloved ^Angel^Babies.

This is monumental as much of society still perpetuates the old way of thinking, instilling the Taboo Silence of Infant Loss.  A mother never forgets the day a child is born, regardless of the duration of that pregnancy, or newborn's life.  

All that we ask is that you all try to imagine what we've gone through, and understand with compassion that we are doing our very best to strive and survive through the greatest heartache imaginable.

It is a loss of hopes and dreams of future days spent cuddling as we watch our children learn and grow.  

Be gentle with us, as we are with you, for we also understand that it's so very difficult for you to deal with our grief.

Once a year on this date, families around the world unite and remember their angel-babies in a variety of ways.

Many others, like myself, will release balloons in Loving Memory of our Angel Babies.  

In conjunction with Project Sweet Peas, and their balloon release event, I too released balloons to the babies of the families that sent in their requests.  I released balloons for 87 babies on my list; together Project Sweet Peas as a whole released balloons for over 400 little lives lost too soon.

My second angel-baby Bennett-Chadlen was born on March 29, and grew his tiny wings 8 days later on Good Friday, April 6th, 2007 at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, Ontario
My first angel, Noah-Alexander, was born with wings on August 6th, 1999
Tristan, Tanner, Mason, & Rheanne were there to help honour the memory of their beloved siblings
My boys and I ready to release the balloons!
Up, up, & away.....*photo courtesy of my boys as I was cutting the ties!

On behalf of Nimkee Blessings, I want to wish all families of ^Angels^ peace and comfort in your hearts, knowing that we all remember with you.  I wish you strength to get through the difficult moments as they inevitably come, and courage to face another day.  Set small goals, and don't fight the feelings.  Get through today.......then do it again tomorrow.  Be gentle with yourself.

~Love, Peace, & Nimkee-Blessings to all~

~ ♥ ♥ Today, we remember united; Every day we remember in our hearts ♥ ♥ ~

~1 candle for Noah-Alexander, 1 candle for Bennett-Chadlen, 1 candle for all~

Sunday, October 3, 2010 to nurture and support the spirit~

~the following links are to a wonderful website which provides beautiful keepsake jewelry for mothers, grandmothers, aunts.....and also offer cards and links to support resources.

For every purchase made by following one of these links, I will receive a 15% discount which I am planning to put towards the purchase of items for recipients of my Nimkee-Blessings Memorial gift bags for families with newborns at the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) of Toronto, Sick Kids Hospital.

Thanks in advance~Melissa Roy, project leader for Nimkee Blessings

Miscarriage and Infant Loss Memorial Jewelry:
Miscarriage and Infant Loss Memorial Jewelry

Miscarriage and Infant Loss Memorial Jewelry

Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Loss Jewelry -Customised jewelry to celebrate the life of a child lost in miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss. Each piece is created using carefully selected symbols to help support the grieving parent after the loss of a baby.

Memorial Jewelry

Fertility Jewelry:
fertility jewelry

Pregnancy Jewelry:
pregnancy jewelry

Memorial Jewelry -Customised jewelry to celebrate the life of a loved one. Each piece is created using carefully selected symbols to help support the grieving process, and life after loss.

Fertility Jewelry - Each piece is created using carefully selected symbols and gemstones to help support the couple who is trying to conceive. Sensitive pieces make wonderful gifts for those who must walk a longer road to get the baby they dream of.

Pregnancy and Birth Jewelry -Customised jewelry to celebrate and support your pregnancy and birth. Created using carefully selected gemstones and symbols to honour this exciting time!

Pet Memorial Jewelry - Pet Loss - Cat and Dog Sympathy Gifts
Pet memorial jewelry created to keep your cat and dog's memory close after the loss of a pet. Touching pet loss sympathy gifts. Free online pet memorials

Friday, September 10, 2010


~As many of you are aware, I am a member of PROJECT SWEET PEAS, and to commemorate our beloved angels on this day, October 15th, we are offering to release balloons with  your angel's name(s) on it.

I will be participating in this balloon release, so if you have a special little angel that you would like to have remembered and want me to send a balloon to, please let me know and I'll add you to my list!

Much Love, Peace, & NIMKEE BLESSINGS to you all,

Melissa, Mommy to 2 special angels---Noah-Alexander, born w wings on August 6th, 1999---and Bennett-Chadlen, forever 8 days old, March 29th-April 6th, 2007.


~Click HERE to read the Expositor story

It may take a minute or so to upload for please be patient......sing a song, or count the seconds :O)

~The AFTER Benefit Concert Update~

Nimkee's big brother Brendan, founder of INTRODUCING BENNETT

~Sunday, Sept 5th turned out to be a beautiful, warm, sunny day.  Many local families gathered together to share in our planned festivities, and a great day was had by all.

I was overwhelmed with great joy and deep gratitude as I looked around and saw the faces of people that I had never met before---and here they were---setting up tables, selling tickets for donated items from various Manitoulin Island businesses, home-baked goods, and who can forget Landon's Lemonade Stand!!

Landon is a little local boy that is fighting leukemia.  He too endures many trips to Sick Kids Hospital and his mother Marilee knows all too well what we families must experience in order to keep our children healthy, comfortable, and alive.  Landon and his wonderful Mommy Marilee set up a lemonade stand and graciously donated all the proceeds to my project NIMKEE BLESSINGS!  God bless you Landon---please know that you have a couple of very loving Guardian Angels watching over you at my request.  Their names are Noah-Alexander, & Bennett-Chadlen....aka Nimkee.

~GREAT BIG THANKS to my nephew PAUL aka "Commander"---I appreciate everything you did to help us out!  Love you muchly XXOO

Thank you Marilee for helping out as you did!  The painted faces made me smile through my tears, your thoughtfulness and generosity will never be forgotten.

Various volunteers collected donations of items and services which were raffled off through a silent auction.  

Thanks to our many generous sponsors:

  • The Manitoulin Expositor for running our ad for 2 consecutive weeks, and for doing a couple of feature stories about our family, and my project Nimkee Blessings!
  • NACK's Store in Manitowaning for their generous donation of various craft items used to keep our visiting children busy---colouring books, crayons, bubbles, face paints, paints, brushes, temporary tattoos, cardstock paper for my business cards, etc,  and toys for a draw!  And thanks for lending us your table because I forgot mine!
  • The following businesses graciously donated items which were used in our silent auction/raffle draws:
  • Soul Hope
  • Carl's Trading Post
  • Huron Lodge Motel
  • South Bay Gallery
  • JD Garden Centre
  • Ward's General Store
  • Manitoulin Espresso Bar
  • Mum's Restaurant
  • Roosterant
  • Happy Moose
BIG THANKS to the following volunteers for all of your help!
  • Stace McGauley
  • Christine Lee McNaughton
  • Jennifer Hooper
  • Rhonda Martin
  • Carrie Hull-Spry
  • Jena Bowerman
  • Allison Pyette
  • Marilee Harasym and LANDON for their lemonade stand!!!
~Much gratitude to LUKE SELLEN for making everyone SOUND GREAT!

~Much love & gratitude to our wonderful musicians:
  • INTRODUCING BENNETT ft Brendan, Pete, Jason, & Tedd
  • BRAND NEW EYES ft Brendan, Jason, Matt, Cindy, & Justin
  • LOW GUNS ft Luke Sellen & Dwayne Trudeau
  • CRYPT aka Michael Stevenson---who also proposed to his gf that night following his performance---she said YES!  CONGRATULATIONS Michael & Carissa---may you have love and happiness together for the rest of eternity!
  • Dave Southwood & son Skylar, Darren Madahbee, & Damien Thibodeau
  • Digger Wyman, Wayne Smith, & Robbie Shawana
  • Leslie Neshkiwe
  • Pat Peltier & bandmates

~AND WE CAN'T FORGET OUR MAGICIAN!!  Gchi-miigwech to Ashlee Manitowabi for his wonderful, and mesmerizing performance!!  I wish my camera had been working so that I could have taken some pics!!

Thank you all from the bottom of my bottomless heart.  Without you there'd be no concert----I feel blessed and forever touched by your generous donation of time and talent.

~Thanks to The Manitoulin Islanders & their volunteers for all of their hard work and making sure no one went hungry!

~And last, but certainly NOT LEAST---thanks to Rita & Terry of Gordon's Park and staff for allowing us the use of their beautiful landscape.  It was perfect!!  The kids loved the mini-putt and playground!  We'll definitely be back next summer to enjoy some of your star-gazing nights!!!

The children enjoyed our 3 pm presentation by a local magician from the Debajehmujig Theatre Group here on Manitoulin Island.  Gchi-miigwech to Ashlee Manitowabi for his stellar performance!  You boggled my mind---great show!

The show got underway as INTRODUCING BENNETT performed for us.  As most of you already know, my eldest son Brendan began this musical project during my pregnancy with Bennett-Chadlen as we knew that his time here with us may be cut short due to his prenatal diagnosis of Trisomy 13.  It was a coping mechanism and very therapeutic for Brendan to work through his emotions with music.  I'm very proud of you Brendan----we all are-----especially our Little Thunder "Nimkee".

The spirit of the cause hung heavy in the air, but was uplifting and cheery.  The number of musicians that came out to help us entertain and raise funds was phenomenal.  I wish that more people had been able to witness this amazing talent with us, but overall it was a wonderful and memorable day which has touched my heart deeply.

GCHI-MIIGWECH to EVERYONE for coming out to support us, & entertain us, so that we may reach out and help some other NICU families through their own healing journeys.  I couldn't have done this without you!  

Love, Peace, & Nimkee Blessings 
Melissa XXOO

CRYPT aka Michael Stevenson, Digger Wyman, & sound engineer extraordinaire Luke Sellen

Darren Madahbee, Dave Southwood, & Damien Thibodeau
Leslie Neshkiwe
Digger Wyman & Wayne Smith

BRAND NEW EYES ft Brendan, Jason, Matt, Cindy & Justin
Pat Peltier Band

Skylar Southwood, Darren Madahbee, Dave Southwood, Damien Thibodeau, Luke Sellen

Wayne Smith, Digger Wyman, & Robbie Shawana

Reggie Leach (NHL record holder & current coach of the Manitoulin Islanders team) & my Dad---Larry Roy (retired General Manager of the same team)

My Family--L to R--Mason, Tanner, Tristan, Grampa Cannard, my Mom--Glena Roy